2023-04-13 03:51
Hello Agents,
Following an increase in bugs and issues found after the April 12 maintenance update, we will be postponing the temporary server maintenance by an hour to the following schedule:
The following issues will be worked on:
1) Mirage Re-enactment Dungeon displayed at Fantasy World: Dream Theater (Reverse) will be removed.
2) Spelling error on the Pet Transmitter in the [WILD] Mini Bastet Pet Final Special Package will be corrected.
3) Character Blackout Preview at Union Shop will be corrected.
4) Babel Program Error in Rewards will be corrected.
Players who received the incorrect main rewards will be sent the correct items at the next regular maintenance.
5) Missing Costume Image in Costume Book will be corrected.
6) Additionally, several string will be fixed.
Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for the inconvenience that this has caused.
If you have any concerns or bug reports, you may contact us at:
Or send us an email to: