

  • Event

    Aeri’s Arrival
  • 2023-05-22 12:00

Aeri’s Arrival

The celebration continues as we welcome our 20th Closer! 

Aeri Celebration Sticker Collection Event

Clear target dungeons to acquire stickers and trade them for rewards!

Event Period

May 24, 2023 – June 21, 2023 UTC

Character Sticker Category

Stickers Required


Seha + Sylvi + Yuri + J + Misteltein

x1 Skill D Component: Gear

Sylvi + Yuri + J + Misteltein

x1 T1 Platinum Chip Selectable Box

Seha + Sylvi + Yuri + Misteltein

x1 Gear Booster Fortifier

Seha + Sylvi + Yuri + J

x10 Gear Booster Fuel I

Yuri + J + Misteltein

x3 Awakened Capsule

Sylvi + Yuri + Misteltein

x1 Slot Type Modification Tool

Sylvi + Yuri + J

x3 Perfect PNA Evolution Kit

Seha + Sylvi + Misteltein

x1 Overclock Chip

Seha + Sylvi + J

x5 Quality Assurance Seal

Seha + Sylvi + Yuri

x2 Normal D Component: Gear

Nata + Levia + Harpy + Tina + Violet

x1 3-star Boss Phase Wings Selectable Box ver1.1

Levia + Harpy + Tina + Violet

x1 Unique Synchro Fiber Selectable Box

Nata + Levia + Harpy + Violet

x40 Splendid Phase Fiber

Nata + Levia + Harpy + Tina

x1 Costume Fusion Fiber

Harpy + Tina + Violet

x2 Splendid D Component: Costume

Levia + Harpy + Violet

x3 Normal D Component: Costume

Levia + Harpy + Tina

x2 Dyeing Ampoule

Nata + Levia + Violet

x1 Signature Synchro Fiber Selectable Box

Nata + Levia + Tina

x5 Gear Booster Fuel I

Nata + Levia + Harpy

x15 Union Special Luck Stabilizer

Wolfgang + Luna + Soma + Bai + Seth

x1 T2 Platinum Chip Selectable Box

Luna + Soma + Bai + Seth

x1 Real Platinum Driver

Wolfgang + Luna + Soma + Seth

x3 T2 Colored Chip Selectable Box

Wolfgang +  Luna + Soma + Bai

x3 Perfect PNA Evolution Kit

Soma + Bai + Seth

x5 Origin Chip

Luna + Soma + Seth

x5 T1 Colored Chip Selectable Box

Luna + Soma + Bai

x1 Colored Driver

Wolfgang + Luna + Seth

x5 Origin Chip

Wolfgang + Luna + Bai

x1 Slot Type Modification Tool

Wolfgang + Luna + Soma

x1 Maid Celine Voucher (3-Day)

Mirae + Cheolsu + Eunha + Lucy + Aeri

x1 S Guaranteed D Component : Gear

Cheolsu + Eunha + Lucy + Aeri

x1 Alpha Equalizer

Mirae + Cheolsu + Eunha + Aeri

x3 Transcendental Elixir

Mirae + Cheolsu + Eunha + Lucy

x5 Gear Booster Fuel I

Eunha + Lucy + Aeri

x3 Splendid D Component : Gear

Cheolsu + Eunha + Aeri

x3 Normal D Component : Gear

Cheolsu + Eunha + Lucy

x1 Overclock Chip

Mirae + Cheolsu + Aeri

x1 Slot Type Modification Tool

Mirae + Cheolsu + Lucy

x3 Awakened Capsule

Mirae + Cheolsu + Eunha

x1 Gardening Voucher (3-Day)

Boss Sticker Category

Stickers Required


Alpha Queen + Knight + Rook + Pawn + Bishop

x1 Gear Booster +14

Dust + Ash

x1 SS/S D Component : Costume

Stickers will expire on June 21, 2023 at 7:00 AM UTC. All reward items will expire on December 31, 2023 at 9:00 AM UTC.

Sticker Combination System

Get new stickers by combining five unneeded stickers! 

Aeri Exclusive Union Pass

Clear quests and dungeons with Aeri to get rewards! 

Event Period

May 25, 2023 – July 19, 2023 UTC

Additional missions will be released following Aeri’s class promotion release. The final reward can only be claimed after completing all tasks.

Aeri Exclusive Union Pass Missions




Free Points


Dungeon Clear




Dungeon Clear




Dungeon Clear




[Hope] Quest Clear (Reward : Hireling Promotion)




[Tailor] Quest Clear (2Area scenario last Quest)




Costume Conversion Try (All Costume target)




Subjugation Program : David Clear




Battle Program : Hoffman Clear (including Overclock Difficulty)




[Where Beatrice is Waiting] Quest Clear




Advanced Central Laboratory Clear




[Isolation in the Dream] Quest Clear




Battle Program : Misook Clear (including single, Original)




Battle Program : Untouchable Clear (including single)



Season missions will end on July 19, 2023 UTC.

Aeri Exclusive Union Pass Rewards
Req Pts Free Reward Premium Reward Special Reward
100 x20 UNION Special Luck Stabilizer x20 UNION Special Luck Stabilizer x30 UNION Special Luck Stabilizer
300 x1 Elite Status (1-Day) x1 Elite Status (3-Day) x1 Elite Status (3-Day)
500 x20 Greater Phase Fiber x20 Greater Phase Fiber x1 Transparent Costume All-in-One Package (including Footprint)
600 x1 Maid Celine Voucher (3-Day) x1 Maid Celine Voucher (7-Day) x30 Greater Phase Fiber
700 x1 Gardening Voucher (3-Day) x1 Gardening Voucher (7-Day) x50 Greater Phase Fiber
900 x20 PNA Stabilizer* x2 Perfect PNA Evolution Kit x1 Zenith Synchro Fiber
x1 3-star Purifier Accessory Full Set Box*
x1 Purifier’s Visor
x1 Purifier’s Mask
x1 Purifier’s Wrist Guards
x1 Purifier’s Waist Charm
x1 Purifier’s Leg Charm
x2 Splendid D Component : Costume
x1 Fly King Accessory Full Set Box (Untradeable)
x1 Syrphid’s Necklace
x1 Dermatobia’s Pistol
x1 Musca Sawtooth Agile Core
x1 +13 Centum City Gear Full Set Box*
x1 Speedster Module (Psi)
x1 Blue Inferno Trinket Ring (Psi)
x1 Blue Inferno Trinket Necklace (Psi)
x1 Blue Inferno Trinket Mascot (Psi)
x10 Gear Booster Fuel I x1 Lucky Gear Boost I
1400 x1 Ocean King Trigger Full Set Selectable Box* x1 Splendid D Component : Gear x2 Splendid D Component : Gear
1500 x5 Super Advanced Evolution Material Capsule* x3 Perfect PNA Evolution Kit x5 Perfect PNA Evolution Kit
x12 Meet: Lust King Currency Box*
x10 Bloody Symbol of Affection
x1 Ocean King’s Box
x2 Cornerstone of Temple
x10 Essence of the Sea Breeze
x10 Gear Booster Fuel I x1 Lucky Gear Boost I
1900 x10 Normal D Component : Gear* x2 Splendid D Component : Gear x3 Splendid D Component : Gear
2000 x1 Character Pet Adult Container Selectable Box* x1 Boss Phase Wings Selectable Box.ver1.1
x1 Aeri Academy Full Set Selectable Box
x1 Aeri Academy Bow
x1 Aeri Academy Dress
x1 Aeri Academy Petticoat
x1 Aeri Academy Thigh-High Boots
x1 Aeri Academy Gloves
x1 Machine King Fixis Module Full Set Box*
x1 Sloth Locked Impulser
x1 Sloth Locked Regulator
x2 T2 Colored Chip Selectable Box x1 T2 Platinum Chip Selectable Box
x1 Machine King Module Upgrade Material Box*
x650 Chromatic Phase Essence
x650 Sticky Residue
x1450 Transcendence Dust
x260 Machine King’s Legacy
x1 Transcendental Elixir x5 Transcendental Elixir
2500 x1 +14 Sloth Atropos Core Box* x2 T2 Colored Chip Selectable Box x1 T2 Platinum Chip Selectable Box
2700 x10 UNION Gear Lubricant* x10 Gear Booster Fuel I x1 Lucky Gear Boost I
2800 x1 Transcendental Elixir* x2 T2 Colored Chip Selectable Box x1 T2 Platinum Chip Selectable Box
2900 x1 Transcendental Elixir* x2 Transcendental Elixir x1 Shape Memory Device
x1 Chip Equip Support Box*
x3 Slot Type Modification Tool
x3 Colored Driver
x1 T1 Platinum Chip Selectable Box
x5 T1 Colored Chip Selectable Box
x5 T2 Colored Chip Selectable Box x1 T3 Platinum Chip Selectable Box
3300 x10 Normal D Component : Gear* x2 Splendid D Component : Gear x1 Alpha Equalizer
3500 x1 Alpha Equalizer* x1 Gear Booster Fortifier x1 Gear Booster +14
x1 Super : Immortal’s Module Upgrade Material Box*
x500 Chromatic Phase Essence
x300 Sticky Residue
x400 Immortal Dust
x89 Immortal Bug Lump
x2 Immortal Crystal
x5 Transcendental Elixir x1 Elite Pet Selectable Box (Untradeable)
x1 Super : Immortal’s Trinket Upgrade Material Box*
x250 Chromatic Phase Essence
x150 Sticky Residue
x300 Immortal Dust
x66 Immortal Bug Lump
x2 Immortal Crystal
x5 Transcendental Elixir x1 S Guaranteed D Component : Costume
4000 x1 S Guaranteed D Component : Gear* x1 S Guaranteed D Component : Gear x1 SS Guaranteed Component : Gear

All Gear Box and Material Support Box can’t be moved to Account Storage and can only be opened by Aeri.

*Items will expire December 31, 2023 at 9:00 AM UTC.

Type Price
Premium 990
Special 2990
All Rewards 3980
UNIONPass Booster
UNIONPass Booster 50
UNIONPass Booster x10 450
UNIONPass Booster x50 1990
UNIONPass Booster x100 2990

Aeri Premium Starter Pack

Everything you need for Aeri!

Sales Period

May 24, 2023 – June 7, 2023 UTC

Aeri Premium Starter Pack
x1 Aeri 2-star Han High School Set (6piece)
x1 Aeri Han High School Winter Shirt
x1 Aeri Han High School Winter Shoes
x10 Resurrection Capsule x11
x100 Fast Dual Recovery Capsule
x1 Elite Status (30-Day)
x50 UNION Special Phase Stabilizer
x200 UNION Special Luck Stabilizer
x1 UNION Name Tag
x10 Network Interference Device
x10 Perfect PNA Evolution Kit
x1 +13 Gear Booster Pouch
x1 Gremory’s Common Dimensional Box
x1 Visual Slot 18-Full Set
Package Value: 10,000 Now for only 3,490 N-coins!
65% Discount
Purchase Limit: Once per character

Welcome Aeri Package

Say hello and be part of her family!

Sales Period

May 24, 2023 – June 7, 2023 UTC

[Welcome Aeri] All-in-One Package
x1 SS Guaranteed D Component : Gear
x1 SS/S D Component : Costume
x1 S Guaranteed D Component : Gear
x1 Gear Booster +14 Pouch
x10 Gear Booster Fortifier
x100 Gear Booster Fuel I
x20 Transcendental Elixir
x2 Alpha Equalizer
x2 Costume Fusion Fiber
x2 Signature Synchro Fiber Selectable Box
x1 Real Platinum Driver
x2 T2 Platinum Chip Selectable Box
UMP + 10000
Package Value: 22,690 Now for only 9,990 N-coins!
56% Discount
Purchase Limit: Once per account per week
[Welcome Aeri] Double S Tuning Package
x1 S Guaranteed D Component : Gear
x1 S Guaranteed D Component : Costume
x10 Splendid D Component : Gear
x10 Splendid D Component : Costume
x2 Alpha Equalizer
UMP + 4000

Package Value: 9,080 Now for only 3,990 N-coins!
56% Discount
Purchase Limit: Once per account per week

[Welcome Aeri] PNA Spec-Up Package
x55 Perfect PNA Evolution Kit
x30 Advanced Mutation Material Capsule
x30 UNION Special PNA Stabilizer
UMP + 2000
Package Value: 4,950 Now for only 1,990 N-coins!
60% Discount
Purchase Limit: Twice per account

Pretty Aeri Transmitter

The help you need for Aeri’s closet!

Sales Period

May 24, 2023 – June 7, 2023 UTC

Accumulative Purchase Reward

Purchase Amount Amount and Item
15 x1 S Guaranteed D Component :  Gear
30 x1 S Guaranteed D Component : Costume
50 x1 Signature Accessory Selectable Box
100 x1 Gear Booster +15
130 x1 Unique Costume Accessory Selectable Box
200 x1 Signature Costume Full Set Selectable Box
230 x1 SS Guaranteed D Component : Gear
300 x1 SS Guaranteed D Component : Costume

June Closers Day

Login to earn a Closers Day Celebration Box, limited to once per account!

Event Period

June 3, 2023 at 4:00 AM – June 4, 2023 at 4:00 AM UTC

Hour Amount and Item Expiry
x1 Closers Day Celebration Box
x1 Unique Costume Full Set Selectable Box* (3Days)
x1 Fused Phase Wings+5 SSS Tuning (3Days)
x10 Gear Booster Fuel I
x2 Stabilizer Selectable Box
x1 +15 Lusty Atropos Core/Module Box (3Days)
24 Hours
100 mins x1 All Sticker Selectable Box June 21, 2023 at 7:00 AM UTC

The Closers Day Celebration Box is untradeable and all items (except the Stabilizer Selectable Box) will expire on December 31, 2023 at 9:00 AM UTC.

*If the Unique Costume Full Set Selectable Box is opened by Aeri, only the Zenith costume will be available.

Closers Day Special Buff

Same buff will be applied on May 27-28, 2023 UTC!

Closers Day Special Buff
Additional EXP 30%
Found Item Bonus 30%
Additional Credit 30%
Additional Entrance +1

June Closers Day Special Products

Special sale just for you!

Sales Period

June 2, 2023 at 4:00 AM – June 5, 2023 at 4:00 AM UTC

[Gear Booster Fortifier] Lucky Pouch
x1 [Gear Booster Fortifier] Lucky Pouch
UMP 2,000
Now for only 1,890 N-coins!
Purchase Limit: None
[Transcendental Elixir] Lucky Pouch
x1 [Transcendental Elixir] Lucky Pouch
UMP 1,500
Now for only 1,450 N-coins!
Purchase Limit: None
[SpecialProduct] Costume Conversion Support Package
x5 Zenith Synchro Fiber
x100 Greater Phase Fiber
UMP 1,000
Package Value: 750 Now for only 666 N-coins!
11% Discount
Purchase Limit: Once per account
