

Known Issue Notice - March 14th

2024-03-14 07:56

Hello Agents,

We would like to inform you of the known issues after the March 13th maintenance.


  • Yuri's 'Special Skill: Shift' is Causing Disconnection
    • It has come to our attention that Yuri's 'Special Skill: Shift' is causing disconnections from the game, particularly when the skill's keys are pressed too quickly in a short period of time. Please be informed that this skill will be adjusted during the scheduled maintenance on March 27th. In the meantime, we suggest using Yuri's 'Special Skill: Shift' as a secondary skill, which will apply a cooldown between uses, reducing the occurrence of the disconnection issue.
  • Fused Phase Wings Description for Level 14
    • The current description of the level 14 Fused Phase Wings, "Damage increased by +120% on using Empowered State/PF Charge Speed +100%", will be corrected during the March 27th scheduled maintenance to reflect the intended feature, "Damage increase/PF Charge Speed +100% when in Empowered State".

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and we appreciate your patience in this matter.


If you have any further concerns or questions, please send us an email to: or through Customer Support web inquiry by clicking the banner below.