

Eunha's Birthday

2024-04-12 00:00


Happy Birthday, Eunha!


Let's celebrate her precision and resilience in the darkest corners and put a smile on her face!


All agents will get a Birthday Celebration Box containing:


Birthday Gift Box

x1 Signature Costume Full Set Selectable Box (7-day)
*Cybernetic costume is available for Team Black Lambs, Wolfdog, and Wolfgang

x20 Piece of Cake (Unlimited)

x1 VIP (3-day)

x1 Resurrection Capsule *11

x20 UNION Luck Stabilizer

x10 UNION Special PNA Stabilizer

x20 Luck Stabilizer

x3 All-in-One Talisman Box (1-day)

*Box and components will be removed in 7 days except for ‘Piece of Cake


Receive this once per account when you log in on April 12 at 12:00 AM UTC.

Don’t be late! This event only runs for only 24 hours.